Lawmaker ‘can’t take it anymore,’ to refer Trump for ‘crimes against humanity’ at The Hague; pleads for legal help
Screen capture … Ohio State Representative Tavia Galonski … Credit: Ohio House Dems

Another Democrat is attempting to make a name for herself for her TDS bona fides by declaring she will make a referral at The Hague on Monday “for crimes against humanity.”

The impeachment thing was a miserable failure, so why not try a completely different legal venue, say an international court? And as for the crime–well, the details will apparently sort themselves out when some attorneys can be found to help out.

But for the moment, it’s enough that Ohio state Representative Tavia Galonski popped a gasket on Sunday watching President Trump on TV. Suddenly, she envisioned a crime being perpetrated on the world via President Trump’s touting of a potential coronavirus medication–hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)–and she took to Twitter to reveal her state of mind.

“I can’t take it anymore,” she wrote. “I’ve been to The Hague. I’m making a referral for crimes against humanity tomorrow. Today’s press conference was the last straw. I know the need for a prosecution referral when I see one.”

Clearly, this impulsive publicity stunt by a Trump hater comes without the prior blessing from higher Democrat powers-that-be since she is also begging on social media for suitably deranged legal help.

“I need every lawyer that ever did any work on the international level to contact me at immediately,” she pleaded. “When we worked on international custody cases we had a cadre of lawyers working on the case. Suit up!”

Galonski is the state representative for the 35th District of the Ohio House of Representatives, which includes portions of Akron and Barberton in Summit County. It seems the Ohio House doesn’t provide official emails for their members?

If nothing else, Galonski’s tweets have fired up a number of other TDS sufferers who are thinking this is actually a legitimate call to action, in effect representing another way to attack their nemesis in the White House.

Yay! … follow me troops …

Many are indeed lighting up their torches …

It’s a sorry situation when a potentially viable medical treatment in the midst of an earth-shaking pandemic is seized upon by the left as a cause for further inflaming political tensions. Dividing us rather than contributing to a unified effort to save lives is apparently the preferred path forward for Democrats.

President Trump has talked about his hopes for HCQ and mentioned successes that other countries have been having with the drug in the fight against COVID-19. Dr. Anthony Fauci has been a prominent voice of caution on the White House Coronavirus Task Force, insisting that more testing is necessary before the drug can be widely used in the U.S. against the coronavirus.

Obviously any point of contention becomes a political jackhammer when you are a Democrat.

A sampling of the multitude of responses to Galonski show that a foundation of rational thought does remain intact out there …


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