Bleak photos of migrant facilities set famous libs on epic Trump assault until, oops, pics turn out to be Obama’s

Democrats are awash in collective outrage as they suddenly awaken to how illegal immigrants families, to include unaccompanied minor children, have been treated while in custody.

At least, until they realized that what they were seeing took place under President Barack Obama, not President Donald Trump, and then the “Delete” key was put to work.

The umbrage flowing following a CNN report that immigration officials lost track of 1,500 unaccompanied immigrant children, as seen from Sen. Chris Murphy, D-CT.

But you have to give MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow credit — assuming she understood that the photos were from 2016 — the progressive zealot didn’t mask her appall at what was happening under the Obama administration.

“[D]ear god,” Maddow tweeted in response to photographs from inside Border Patrol holding facilities for illegal immigrants.

The photo Maddow is link to can be seen here:

The scenes were from a surge of Central American immigrants illegally crossing the U.S. border during the Obama administration, an invasion of tens of thousands that quickly overwhelmed officials’ ability to accommodate the numbers.

And, oh, did the rage flow from the uniformed easily duped by the 2014 photos:

The left was out to make political gains over reports of illegal immigrant mothers and children being separated and took to social media to express thier moral indignation.

But somewhere along the way, the line between truth and fiction blurred.

Beginning with a photo shared by CNN reporter Hadas Gold, which showed children being held in a cage-like facility. She would later deleted the tweet, explaining that it gave the “impression of recent photos” — the photos were from 2014.

Social media was quick to remind Gold the “impression” existed because SHE implied as much.

Unfortunately, a myriad of liberal mouthpieces, to include Obama administration staffers, seized on her tweet before it was time-stamped — and deleted — expressing outrage in their zest to attack Trump.

Jon Favreau, former speechwriter for Obama, shared the image and a caption: “This is happening right now, and the only debate that matter is how we force our government to get these kids back to their families as fast as humanly possible.”


Favreau would quickly delete the tweet when the reality set in that this took place under the administration he served in, his interest “to get these kids back to their families” suddenly waning.

At least Caucasion activist identifying as a black man Shawn King knew better than deleting his erroneous tweet speaking of children of illegal immigrants “being held in cages, like dogs” — unless he’s just sleeping one off and hasn’t gotten around to it.

A video distributed by the social media news company NowThisNews shared a video that showed an image of what was being called a “prison bus for babies,” claiming it was from 2018 to stir up animosity against Trump.

The photo was from 2016, but again, gullible Democrats like Adam Jentleson, former deputy chief of staff to Harry Reid, shared it.

“Hoping we see some strong leadership from Congressional Democrats in the face of this moral abomination,” Jentleson tweeted.

It seems Jentleson too understands that once it’s out there, it’s out there, as he has yet to delete his tweet.

More from the progressive brain trust over at Think Progress:

And from other moral busybodies suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome:

Hell, the unhinged brigade even attacked first daughter Ivanka Trump for sharing a photo Sunday on Instagram of her and her son, claiming she was “mocking” the 1,500 missing children “her father lost.”

While this may be the first time in US history that a Democrat expressed concern about illegal immigrants being lost in the heartland, the sheer lunacy of the left’s manufactured outrage was captured in a tweet blaming Trump while showing an image of Depression-era children.

But the more disturbing factor of this whole story is captured in the tweet below:


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