Columbia University offers Class of 2021 segregated graduations, based on race, sexuality, and income

In the name of woke progressivism, pretty much anything is possible, even a return to segregation, which is apparently acceptable now if alleged to be done in the best interests of the segregated.

Just ask Columbia University, which will be offering the Class of 2021 six graduation ceremonies segregated by race, sexuality and even income level, according to its website.

“Complementing our school- and University-wide ceremonies, these events provide a more intimate setting for students and guests to gather, incorporate meaningful cultural traditions and celebrate the specific contributions and achievements of their communities,” the school’s website states.

The statement suggests a general commencement ceremony is still being held for all students, so why hold events that single students out based on various demographics?

While the corrupt media chases white supremacy ghosts, an argument can be made that America’s institutions of higher learning, which serve as little more than liberal indoctrination centers, are the greatest threat this nation faces.

Our colleges and universities are turning out an entire generation that believes socialism is better than capitalism, not only from a financial standpoint — it’s not — but from a moral standpoint.

With the U.S. having nationalized student lending, billions of dollars pour into these liberal-run institutions, where much of the administration and faculty donates heavily to Democratic candidates while turning out graduates buried in debt, who are all but guaranteed to vote for the party that keeps promising to do away with student loan debt. A nice gig if you can arrange it.

What’s more, if Columbia graduates want to celebrate achieving a woke Ivy League education without any pesky, rich white people around to spoil it, the university is offering “Multicultural Graduation Ceremonies.”

The virtual ceremonies are being held for Native American, “LGBTQIA+,” which is  described as a “Lavender Graduation,” Asian, “Latinx,” black, and “First-generation and/or low income” students.

As a social media user astutely noted, the irony here is that Columbia uses the term “multicultural” to describe the individual ceremonies that include singular cultures.

Social media users understand that what we are seeing here is a step backwards — in the name of progress.

Here’s a sampling of responses to the story from Twitter:


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