Pelosi makes bizarre claim that ObamaCare mandate ‘not delayed’

The Obama administration announced last week that it will delay by one year the requirement on businesses to provide health insurance, and this development was widely reported by all media outlets.

During a press conference on Thursday, according to Independent Journal Review, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was asked if she sees “any virtue” in delaying ObamaCare’s individual mandate as well as the employer mandate. She responsed:

“No. Absolutely not. I don’t think it’s virtuous at all. In fact, the point is, is that the (employer) mandate was not delayed.”

Which makes you wonder if Pelosi’s elevator is still reaching the top floor. As Fox News reported, she did use some creative reasoning to make her case by claiming the administration really only delayed the requirement on businesses to report insurance coverage details.

Unfortunately for Pelosi, the fact-checkers at the Washington Post decided to evaluate her claim and effectively ruled that she is trying to “deny reality,” Fox News noted.

“Yes, reporting requirements were delayed. But there also was a one-year delay of the actual employer mandate. It’s right there in the announcement,” the Post wrote.

“We understand Pelosi’s desire to minimize the impact of the decision — and supporters of the law may have a strong case that the employer mandate is not as central to the law as the individual mandate to buy insurance — but that’s not an excuse to deny reality,” the report continued.

The Democratic Party has been spinning the truth about Obamacare from its inception and there are no signs of that changing anytime soon. What’s next, will they try telling a gullible population that Obamacare is not a tax? Or is it a tax, I’ve lost track now?


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