Senate Rejects DREAM Act, Closing Door On Immigration Reform For Now

senateEditor’s Note – A substantial victory, along with the defeat of the $1.3 Trillion omnibus bill, for conservatives and those who believe in the rule of law.

Overall, it’s been a week of mixed emotions.  Congress did pass the ‘Tax Deal’ this week, which equates to yet another stimulus effort, this one costing taxpayers $800+ Billion.  And, it appears very likely that DADT will be repealed later today in the Senate. 

Keep in mind, it’s unprecedented that a lame duck Congress continues to work nights and weekends to engage in sweeping legislation.  A Congress that has no mandate after being resoundly rejected by the American people in November. 

A Congress that has the lowest approval rating in the history of such tracking.

As for the three Republican’s that voted in favor of the DREAM Act –  Bob Bennet, with just days to go, has aready been sent packing by the tea party; Dick Lugar continues to stick his thumb in the eye of the movement, all but daring the tea party to challenge him in the 2012 primary; and Lisa Murkowski was defeated once in the primary, but refused to die by running a write-in campaign, largely supported by ‘establishment’ Republicans.

All in all, this reinforces what we saw play out in the Delaware Senate race, where ‘moderate’ Mike Castle lost the primary to Christine O’Donnell.  Many establishment types then blamed the tea party for losing the general election to the Democrats.  Today’s vote shows that the loss of such seat is really insignificant when you have Progressive Republicans with few conservative values in place.


Senate Rejects DREAM Act, Closing Door On Immigration Reform For Now

By Alexander Bolton

Senate Republicans and a handful of Democrats voted Saturday morning to block legislation that would grant legal residency to illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. before the age of 16.

The DREAM Act, which would give legal status to illegal immigrants who came to the country at a young age, lived here for at least five years, graduated from high school and attended college or served in the military, fell five votes short of the 60 needed to overcome a GOP-led filibuster — 55 to 41.

Three Republicans — Sens. Robert Bennett (Utah), Dick Lugar (Ind.) and Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) — voted to advance the legislation.

Pro-immigration reform advocates are doubtful that much will pass over the next two years after Republicans take control of the House.

Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas), an outspoken critic of illegal immigration and various proposals to grant illegal immigrants a path to citizenship, will take over as chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, which wields jurisdiction over the issue, next year.

Sen. Steve King (R-Iowa), another outspoken opponent of illegal immigration, will take over as chairman of Judiciary’s immigration subcommittee.

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